Josh Homme Is A Cowbellaholic

Pitchfork: What's the story behind the title?
JH: It sounds like "the Vulgar Era", which I like, because that sounds like something that I would like to be part of.
Pitchfork: So you don't think we're in the vulgar era, just that it's something to shoot for?
JH: I mean, I think we're in it, and I'm stoked.
Pitchfork: Is there a U.S. tour in the works?
JH: Yeah, it starts in Bakersfield [California]. We're playing Bakersfield, Medford, Oregon, Duluth, all the cities that we never have gotten to. We're just going to play to the kids that don't often get shows.
Pitchfork: Will that be before the summer festival dates or after?
JH: Right after those. We go to Europe first, and then we're going to do what we're calling "The Duluth Tour".
Pitchfork: Where is the cowbell on Era Vulgaris?
JH: You know, it's like that old saying: "Drink one beer, but you're not an alcoholic. But play one cowbell, and you're a cowbellaholic."
Credit | Fark This
Labels: Queens of the Stone Age
Glad to learn the old saying about cowbellaholics...
the bell lady
8:58 PM
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